Adopting? You Need an Adoption Attorney
Deciding whether to utilize an adoption agency depends on several factors including whether you have identified a child to adopt. And, truth be told, it is in your best interest to always use an adoption attorney, even when using an agency. An attorney you hire protects your interests. Sometimes they help move the process along. Other times, they verify paperwork accuracy and verify allowable fees. If you are considering adoption, here is some advice from a family law firm who has helped countless families through the adoption process.
When to Use an Adoption Agency with Your Own Attorney
If you are considering an international adoption, you need to work with an international adoption agency. They have the contacts with the orphanages as well as the proper government agencies to ensure that your international adoption goes as planned. If you are considering a domestic adoption and do not have a child identified whom you want to adopt, you should talk to an agency. They work with birth mothers and group homes to help families looking to adopt. Even when working with an agency, we recommend hiring your own adoption attorney. In short, they are on your side and ensure your interests are protected.
When to Work Directly with an Adoption Attorney
If you are adopting a family member, you do not need to work with an adoption agency. Your adoption attorney can help you through the paperwork and court process. Another instance where you do not need an agency is when you have already identified the child you wish to adopt and have a relationship with the birth mother and father. Working directly with an adoption attorney is often less expensive, however, they do not offer the services that an agency offers such as helping you through the home study process or finding a child available for adoption.
What About Adoption from Foster Care?
Whether you are adopting a child in your care from the foster system or looking for a match from the foster system, you still need an adoption attorney. The state of Florida requires you have legal representation throughout the process. Your attorney will handle the paperwork and be with you at your final hearing.
Wagstaff & Pitelis Handles All Types of Adoption
If we had to choose one type of law we enjoy most, in almost all cases, it would be adoption law. Whether you are looking for an adoption attorney to work alongside your agency adoption, need to adopt a family member, or have a known adoption situation of any kind, or want to adopt from the foster care system in Florida, Wagstaff & Pitelis is here to help. Located in Clearwater in Pinellas County, we can help you facilitate your adoption anywhere in the state of Florida. Call us today at (727) 584-8182 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.