Advice to Help You Prepare for Divorce
In most circumstances you will be required to try divorce through either mediation or collaboration, either way, you still need to take steps to protect yourself and your future.
1. Know Your Finances
One of the first things you should do before discussing divorce with your spouse is to look into your finances. Print out recent bank and credit card statements. If you have access to your spouse’s retirement account information, print out that statement too. When possible, open a separate bank account for your use at a different bank than your current joint account(s). You may want to bring this information with you when you hire a divorce attorney.
2. Be Prepared to Change Your Passwords
Most spouses share passwords for good reason. However, once you have the conversation that you are filing for divorce, you will no longer want your spouse having access to your personal accounts. Also make sure they are not the recovery email or phone number for your email. If you feel it will become acrimonious, you may also want to know how to block them on social sites and do so immediately after having the discussion.
3. Protect Your Valuables
Hopefully your spouse will not take their anger out on your belongings. However, it happens often. If you have valuables, whether sentimental or monetary, if there are items you can safely remove from the home, do so.
4. Hire a Divorce Attorney
Once you decide you are going to have the difficult conversation with your spouse about a divorce, you should hire a divorce attorney. You and your attorney can create a plan for you before you talk with your spouse. They can guide you in what to say and do as well as what to avoid saying or doing. Whether you expect the separation to be amicable or not, your attorney can help you not only with the conversation, but also protecting yourself before you speak with your spouse.
5. Write Down What You Are Going to Say
No matter how angry or frustrated or disappointed you are in your spouse and how much you want a divorce, saying the words is hard. Writing down what you are going to say and practicing it before you sit down with them will help you get through what may be the most emotional conversation of your life.
Wagstaff & Pitelis is Here to Help
As a local Clearwater divorce attorney, our team can help you before, during and after your divorce. Our compassionate team is ready to help you whether you and your spouse have already had the conversation and want to utilize mediation or you know that it will be a difficult battle and you need a strong advocate fighting for a fair settlement. Call us today if you are looking to hire a divorce attorney for your initial consultation at (727) 584-8182 or fill out our contact form.