What to Know About a Post-Divorce Name Change in Florida

name tag with a question mark on it for a blog post about should you change name after your divorce

Although many divorces include whether a woman will return to her maiden, or birth name, not all Florida divorce attorneys discuss this. And, if you self-filed, you may not have thought about the pros and cons of a post-divorce name change in Florida. If you are now thinking about it, here are some things to…

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Four Things to Do After Your Divorce Settlement

a woman looking at her post-divorce to-do list

Once a judge signs off on your divorce settlement, you still have a few things you need to do. Some will require the help of a family law attorney. In many cases your divorce attorney offers these services, so be sure to ask before looking for someone new. Verify Title Documents Are in the Proper…

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Advice to Help You Prepare for Divorce

husband and wife facing back to back as the image for a blog post about preparing for divorce

In most circumstances you will be required to try divorce through either mediation or collaboration, either way, you still need to take steps to protect yourself and your future. 1. Know Your Finances One of the first things you should do before discussing divorce with your spouse is to look into your finances. Print out recent…

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Reasons to Hire a Divorce Attorney

scissors cutting a paper of a child's drawing of their family to indicate divorce

Florida is one of the states where you do not have to hire a divorce attorney in order to file for divorce. However, just because it is not required, does not mean you should not hire one. In fact, there are many benefits to hiring an attorney to facilitate your dissolution of marriage that often…

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Getting Started with the Probate Process

letter tiles spelling "help"

Whether you are the personal representative or someone close to you passed without a will or trust, starting the probate process can feel overwhelming. In Pinellas County, and all of Florida, almost all estates go through probate. And, if you are the one working to settle an estate, the best advice we can give you…

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Advice from Florida Probate Lawyers

attorney working at her desk

You can find a lot of information about the probate process, both in Florida and elsewhere, but what is harder to find is simple, factual advice. As experienced probate lawyers, we want to help you whether you are in the process of having a will or trust drawn up, or find yourself working hard to…

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Three Facts About Adoption in Florida

adopted daughter on her dad's shoulders

As a family law firm who handles adoption in Florida, we have heard many things said about adoption, some are completely inaccurate while others are misconceptions. Although laws vary from state to state, these are some of the myths we want to correct with facts so you make a better-informed decision regarding whether adoption is…

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Adopting? You Need an Adoption Attorney

two parents holding their adopted daughter's hands

Deciding whether to utilize an adoption agency depends on several factors including whether you have identified a child to adopt. And, truth be told, it is in your best interest to always use an adoption attorney, even when using an agency. An attorney you hire protects your interests. Sometimes they help move the process along.…

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How to Deal with Domestic Violence During Divorce

woman with her hand out signifying "stop"

Sometimes divorce gets rather contentious. Things are said and voices rise. However, no one should ever fear for their safety during a separation or divorce. Sometimes people who never expected to fear for their safety become victims of domestic violence during divorce proceedings. Here are some things to do. Of course, if you are in…

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Domestic Violence – Laws Today & Historically

woman sitting on the floor with her head forward

Since 1989, October has been nationally recognized as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and as difficult a topic, Florida has made some progress in the past year relating to domestic violence law. However, considering that the national Violence Against Women Act was originally passed in 1994 and constantly has to be reauthorized, there is still…

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