adoption attorney Clearwater

How a Florida Adoption Attorney Can Help You

Adoption is an exciting and wonderful way to grow your family. However, it can also be complex and exhausting. You want the attorney you choose to not only be experienced, but also compassionate and available. As you begin your search for a Florida adoption attorney, ask these questions.

What Types of Adoptions Have You Handled?

Although the formalities of adoption are fairly similar across the country, every adoption has its own set of circumstances. For example, if you and a birth mother want an open adoption, you will need slightly different verbiage than a couple adopting from a family member. Likewise, a same sex couple where one partner is the legal and biological parent has different needs than either of the other previously mentioned situations.

How Do You Charge for Your Services?

A Florida adoption attorney may charge by the hour or by the case for their adoption services. If you have a complicated adoption or a straightforward situation, speak with your attorney and clarify the charges. Be sure to find out what services are billable for hourly attorneys and what the court filing fees will be. Also ask if they require a retainer.

What Are Your Communication Methods?

There are pros and cons to texting, emails and telephone communications. However, because many adoptions are time sensitive, you want to find out how the attorney you are considering communicates with you. Also, you want to know what their average response time is in adoption cases. There is no right or wrong answer, just make sure you are comfortable with their primary communication method.

How Many Adoptions Do You Handle Annually?

A Florida adoption attorney who only handles a few adoptions a year likely has another area of expertise. Make sure the firm you hire handles adoptions regularly and has the time and experience to take your case.

Wagstaff & Pitelis Are Experienced Florida Adoption Attorneys

We are a Pinellas County family law practice with significant experience in all types of adoption. As a leading Florida adoption attorney, we can help with all types of adoptions including relative adoption; step-parent adoption; open, semi-open or closed traditional adoptions; and same sex couple adoptions. Call us today at (727) 584-8182 to schedule your initial consultation or fill out our contact form.