What Does a Probate Attorney in Florida Do?

woman sitting on the floor feeling overwhelmed (that is why she should hire a probate attorney to help her)

This is not an uncommon question at all. If it is the first time you have been involved in the distribution of an estate, either as a beneficiary or personal representative, you may not know why you want to involve a probate attorney in Florida. Legally, not all estates are required to hire a lawyer…

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Common Misconceptions About Florida Probate

estate planning image with a Will and keys

As a probate attorney, I wish that Florida probate was simple and straightforward. Afterall, any family dealing with the loss of a loved one has enough grief and stress. However, it is not, and the deceased assets and liabilities must be dealt with, and the process in which that happens is probate. Here are a…

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Frequently Asked Questions About Probate

man looking at a will with questions about probate

As Pinellas County probate lawyers, we hear many questions about probate. Some are asked during the process of drawing up a will or trust. Others are when we help settle an estate. If you have never been through the process in Florida, you will likely have many questions. Here are answers to some of the…

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Three Things You May Not Have Thought About Regarding Divorce

couple divorcing

Divorce can be one of the most stressful and expensive experiences of your life. Most people do not reach the decision to divorce without great thought. However, they may not know what to expect during the process or even how to get started. Even if you and your spouse agree that it is time to…

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