Three Reasons You May Need a Family Attorney After Your Divorce
Sometimes after a divorce, you and your former spouse may never need to have contact with each other again. However, when children and real property are involved, you may need the assistance of a family attorney for years to come. When your divorce attorney also handles family law, they can continue to help you throughout your subsequent life transitions.
Divorce Modification
Sometimes situations change after a divorce. If your former spouse to whom you are paying alimony re-marries, you can request to end the alimony. Should you lose your job and be unable to find employment at a similar income level, you may want to request to reduce alimony and/or child support. Similarly, if your spouse gets a new job and was not working when child support and alimony were calculated, you may request a change. All of these situations are reasons to contact your family attorney.
Parenting Plan Adjustments
As your child gets older, they may express a preference to be with one parent more frequently. You and your former spouse may also have a change in work or living situations that requires changes to your parenting plan. Sometimes the new schedule can be worked out without issues between the parents, but the updated parenting plan still needs to be on file with the state. This protects both parties. If the change to the parenting plan is significant, you may want to request a change to child support as well.
Joint Financial Interests
Money can be a difficult topic between divorced couples. When you are still financially intertwined with a former spouse, a family attorney can help. One common thing we assist with is communication regarding claims involving children, mortgage interest, and taxes. This is especially common during the first year after the divorce. If you still own real estate such as rental properties or a business and either are up for sale, communicating through your attorney can help ensure you end up with a fair settlement from a sale.
Just because your divorce is final does not always mean you will no longer need the services of a family attorney. If you find yourself in a situation where an attorney may benefit you, Wagstaff Law Office is here to help whether we assisted with your divorce or not. Our team will listen to your needs and advise you as to your best course of action. Call (727) 584-8182 for your free consultation.