Frequently Asked Paternity Questions

June 25, 2019
Paternity Lawyer

Establishing or disestablishing paternity can be complicated. As paternity lawyers, we receive many inquiries from both mothers and fathers about paternity issues. Here are some of the most common questions we receive and the answers. Can the Court Order Me to Take a Paternity Test? There are a few cases where you may be ordered…

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How a Family Law Attorney Helps with Paternity Issues

June 11, 2019
family law attorney

Florida law assumes that when a couple is married and a woman gives birth, that her husband is the legal father. However, the state also differentiates legal and biological paternity. Often, the legal and biological father are the same person, though sometimes, they are not. When you are in a nontraditional situation looking to establish paternity, you may…

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Reasons an Estate Planning Attorney May Recommend a Trust

May 30, 2019
Three Generation women

If you have the common misconception that a trust is only for the very wealthy, you are among the majority. The many people who hire us as their estate planning attorney ask for a will and when we mention a trust might be a better option, they quickly explain that they do not have those…

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The Many Benefits of a Trust

May 24, 2019
benefits of a trust

If you have not consulted with an estate planning attorney about setting up a trust for your assets, now is a great time to contact one. You may be unsure of the benefits of a trust for your family. Significant wealth is not the only reason to consider a trust. It’s Easier on Your Beneficiaries…

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6 Life Changes That May Require an Update to Your Estate Plan

May 6, 2019
estate plan change

An estate plan isn’t a “set it and forget it” arrangement. Major life changes may affect or even nullify some of the conditions in your plan, so it’s important to maintain it well. Any time you experience a major life change, it should be a signal to connect with your attorney to discuss updates. Here…

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Estate Planning is for Everyone

April 18, 2019
estate planning is for everyone

Although your net worth may not be millions of dollars, it is still advisable to work with an estate lawyer on your estate plan. A common misconception is that your estate is just what you own, however a good estate attorney will tell you that a properly executed estate plan includes so much more than…

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3 Things You Shouldn’t Include in Your Prenuptial Agreement

March 29, 2019
include in prenup

Many couples consider prenuptial agreements prior to marriage. Prenuptial agreements can protect each person by defining how assets will be divided should the marriage end. While these agreements are valuable and necessary for many couples, they do not include provisions for all circumstances. There are some stipulations that do not belong in a prenuptial agreement.…

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Things to Consider Before You Say, “I Do.”

March 12, 2019
prenup attorney

Although marriage is supposed to be a life long commitment, we hear from couples looking for a divorce attorney often. People divorce for many different reasons, and some of the most common reasons tend to be the following: Financial Disagreements Parenting Differences Incompatibility/Communication Issues If you don’t want to find yourself calling a divorce attorney…

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Do You Know if You Need a Divorce Modification?

March 1, 2019
divorce modification

While divorce modification is often necessary in the years following the dissolution of a marriage, there are still circumstances which do not warrant this legal change. Often when determining the need to reconsider the existing terms of the divorce, the courts will take a closer look at three things before moving forward:  Has there been…

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Can I Change My Divorce Agreement?

February 25, 2019
change divorce agreement

Although there has to be a reason to change a divorce settlement or agreement, you can request what is officially referred to as a divorce modification. This should be done through a divorce attorney who understands the intricacies of divorce settlements. Although you can request a divorce modification to nearly any part of your agreement,…

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