5 Things You Should Do Post Divorce

post divorce guidance

No matter how long and complicated or quick and simple your divorce, there are things you need to do once it is finalized. Some things you can do yourself, other things are best done with the help of a family law attorney. These things protect you and your family in the future. 1. Change Your Beneficiaries…

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Can a Divorce Decree Be Amended or Changed?

child saying goodbye after divorce

During the divorce process you likely asked for some things that you did not get. Compromise is often part of a divorce. However, there are cases where the marital settlement agreement was based on partially inaccurate information. Or, worse yet, fraudulent information. Oftentimes, circumstances of one party changes. All of these are valid reasons for…

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Choosing the Right Divorce Attorney

woman meeting with a divorce attorney

Even with an amicable divorce, you need the right divorce attorney. Finding the right one takes a little research and, in most cases, an interview with the person who will have a great deal of insight to your personal life. So, how do people find the right attorney for their divorce? We have a few…

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Three Things You May Not Have Thought About Regarding Divorce

couple divorcing

Divorce can be one of the most stressful and expensive experiences of your life. Most people do not reach the decision to divorce without great thought. However, they may not know what to expect during the process or even how to get started. Even if you and your spouse agree that it is time to…

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How Domestic Violence/Abuse is Relevant in Your Divorce

domestic abuse help - family law

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. As a divorce attorney, we are saddened by how many times an individual discloses that they suffer from domestic violence or abuse. No one deserves to be abused. Not you and not your children. Although many people think of domestic abuse only as domestic violence where one party physically…

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Tips for a Successful Divorce Mediation

divorce mediation

As Florida law now requires you to try divorce through mediation or collaboration before appearing in front of a judge (in most cases), going into talks with someone you no longer care to be around can feel daunting. However, as a mediation divorce attorney, we have some tips to help you have successful divorce mediation…

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Steps of a Collaborative Divorce

collaborative divorce

If you are planning to file for divorce in Pinellas County, or elsewhere in Florida, you will need to try either collaboration or mediation before taking your divorce to court. Collaborative divorce is a great option if you want and need the input of a divorce attorney throughout the process. Here are the steps you…

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Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce Through Mediation

Mediation and Collaborative Law

Florida is a no-fault divorce state. It is also one of the few states that requires you to at least try mediation before appearing before a judge. For couples who can communicate amicably, mediation is an increasingly common means to a divorce in Clearwater. However, because it is not the traditional way to divorce, it…

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Is It Time For A Divorce Modification?

divorce modification

You separated from your former spouse and have been enjoying your newfound freedoms for some time in Largo, but life throws a curve ball your way, and you are now looking at your dissolution agreement wishing you had done things differently. No need to sweat it— a divorce modification is an option under particular circumstances.…

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