Time-sharing: Quick Reference

mom with child in her homes scheduling on a whiteboard

One of the most difficult parts of a divorce that includes minor children is that both parents will not see their child every day. Custody agreements, known as time-sharing in Florida, can be many things, but there are a few facts you will want to keep in mind. Whether you are in the process of…

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Parenting Plan VS Custody Agreement

dad carrying his son on his back

We are often asked what the difference is in a parenting plan and a custody agreement (or time-sharing agreement as it is called in Florida). A parenting plan is the document that includes all the details about raising your children including the time-sharing agreement. These are not two separate documents, but rather a custody/time-sharing agreement…

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Things to Consider Before a Gray Divorce

woman and man facing away from each other on a sofa -- gray divorce mistakes blog post

“Gray divorce” is the common term for those over 50 divorcing. Although divorce is never easy, a gray divorce is often easier and less contentious than a divorce by those in their 30s and early 40s. However, there are often more things to take into consideration as an older couple divorcing. Social Security and Retirement…

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Marriage & Divorce Over 50 – Part 2 – Gray Marriage

a couple over 50 planning their marriage with a prenup

Marriage for the first time or remarriage at an older than average age comes with different considerations than those who are young and marrying. You are likely in a different place financially. There may be children, either still in the home or adult ones. And, of course, you may both have a house full of…

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Marriage & Divorce Over 50 – Part 1 – Gray Divorce

an over-50 couple reviewing documents for a gray divorce

Over the past decade there has been a surprising increase in both marriages and divorces of people over 50. Over the next two blogs, we are going to share some advice as a family law firm that you should take into consideration whether you are looking for a divorce attorney or someone to handle a…

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Why Hire a Local Divorce Attorney

woman taking off her wedding ring after signing her divorce papers with her attorney

Florida allows you to file for divorce without the help of a lawyer. Because of this, we are often asked why someone should hire a local divorce attorney if legally they can divorce without one. There are many reasons; in short, a divorce lawyer brings a lot of experience and knowledge that will work to…

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Help from a Domestic Violence Lawyer

dealing with domestic violence and needing an attorney

Many who are victims of domestic violence believe they do not need or cannot afford a domestic violence lawyer. However, even if you are only looking to file for an injunction (also known as a restraining order), having an attorney can benefit you in many ways. Your Lawyer is an Expert at Paperwork Assuming you…

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Mediation Myths

people around a table in mediation

If you are hesitant about utilizing mediation for your divorce in Pinellas County, make sure something you have heard that is steering you away from mediation is not a myth. We know that some people do not have success utilizing mediation for their divorce, but for many, it is a great option. Myth #1 –…

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FAQs About Collaborative Divorce

questions about collaborative divorce

One of the more common methods to obtaining a dissolution of marriage in Florida is through a collaborative divorce. However, because the name is not clear as to exactly what it is, many people have questions. As a collaborative divorce lawyer, we have gathered many of the most frequently asked questions here for easy reference.…

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The Role of a Guardian Ad Litem in Florida

the need for guardian ad litem

Although many people think that a guardian ad litem in Florida is only used in a custody case during a divorce, that’s not always the case. The role and purpose of a guardian ad litem (GAL) is to advocate for a child’s best interest in any court proceeding. Not, as many people believe, the child’s…

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