Plan a Visit with Your Attorney & Financial Advisor Post-Divorce

woman looking at her post-divorce financial to-do list

As much as you may want to take a break and exhale when your divorce is finalized, you now have a new to-do list. In addition to attending to everyday life to-dos, your post-divorce to-do list includes some important things. We put some of our recommendations in our previous blog, but because the legal and…

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Your Post-Divorce Checklist

post divorce checklist

There are still a few things you and your attorney will need to do post-divorce. We will go into that as well as what you should discuss with your financial planner in more detail in our next blog. However, after working in family law for decades, we know there are many things that newly divorced…

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Is My Time-Sharing Agreement Flexible?

family at beach and time-sharing over the summer

As summer is now more than half over, we have heard from many families about their time-sharing agreement. Sometimes one parent is not following the schedule, other times kids activities, friends and interests make time-sharing in summer a bit more difficult. If you are wondering what can be done for the rest of the summer…

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The Role of a Guardian Ad Litem in Florida

the need for guardian ad litem

Although many people think that a guardian ad litem in Florida is only used in a custody case during a divorce, that’s not always the case. The role and purpose of a guardian ad litem (GAL) is to advocate for a child’s best interest in any court proceeding. Not, as many people believe, the child’s…

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5 Things You Should Do Post Divorce

post divorce guidance

No matter how long and complicated or quick and simple your divorce, there are things you need to do once it is finalized. Some things you can do yourself, other things are best done with the help of a family law attorney. These things protect you and your family in the future. 1. Change Your Beneficiaries…

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Can a Divorce Decree Be Amended or Changed?

child saying goodbye after divorce

During the divorce process you likely asked for some things that you did not get. Compromise is often part of a divorce. However, there are cases where the marital settlement agreement was based on partially inaccurate information. Or, worse yet, fraudulent information. Oftentimes, circumstances of one party changes. All of these are valid reasons for…

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Should My Child Have Input to Our Timesharing Agreement?

family custody

In Pinellas County, and throughout Florida, the courts try to award joint custody arrangement with each parent having significant quality time with their children. Sometimes that means a 50/50 timesharing agreement, other times it looks a little different. However, it is not uncommon for a client to ask us whether their child’s desires can or…

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Post-Divorce Matters: Landing in Contempt of Court

divorce contempt court

Post-Divorce Matters: Landing in Contempt of Court Following a divorce settlement, whether intentional or unintentional, an ex-spouse can find themselves in contempt of court if they violate any part of the court order. This is a serious matter and can result in civil or criminal penalties. Even if the divorce proceedings were amicable with little…

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What Your Divorce Attorney Can Teach You about Independence

divorce modification

Today, you can hire a divorce attorney right here in Largo, but things were not always so convenient. In previous years, strict laws regarding matrimony in some states made divorce somewhat complicated. Sometimes it was necessary for residents appealing for separation to travel to other parts of the country and fulfill residency requirements to complete their dissolution.…

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