Three Reasons You Should Hire a Lawyer for Your Adoption

November 19, 2022
adoption - mom and daughter

As November is National Adoption Month and we handle adoptions in Florida, we thought this month would be a great time to share information about adoption. One question we are often asked is if the services of an adoption lawyer are necessary to complete an adoption. The most honest answer: although you are not required…

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How a Florida Adoption Attorney Can Help You

November 10, 2022
adoption attorney Clearwater

Adoption is an exciting and wonderful way to grow your family. However, it can also be complex and exhausting. You want the attorney you choose to not only be experienced, but also compassionate and available. As you begin your search for a Florida adoption attorney, ask these questions. What Types of Adoptions Have You Handled?…

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How Domestic Violence/Abuse is Relevant in Your Divorce

October 27, 2022
domestic abuse help - family law

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. As a divorce attorney, we are saddened by how many times an individual discloses that they suffer from domestic violence or abuse. No one deserves to be abused. Not you and not your children. Although many people think of domestic abuse only as domestic violence where one party physically…

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What You Need to Know Before Filing a Restraining Order

October 13, 2022
domestic violence & divorce

Although there are many reasons people have for filing injunctions in Florida, one of the most common is due to domestic abuse or domestic violence. If you are a victim, you have the right to file a restraining order against your abuser. However, it is not as easy as it may appear which is why,…

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Relative Issues in Today’s Families

September 27, 2022
stepmom and child

Families form in many ways in today’s world. Relationships between siblings these days are more varied than ever before with marriage, divorce and adoption. This can lead to many legal questions regarding family and relative issues. As a family law firm who offers divorce, child custody, and adoption services, here are some situations we have…

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Temporary Custody of Grandchildren

September 13, 2022
temporary custody with a grandparent

For most, being a grandparent is fun and stress-free. However, when we see our children are not providing a safe or quality life for our grandchildren, it is heartbreaking and stressful. As a parent, you know the bond you have with your children and them with you. As a grandparent, you want what is best…

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Tips for a Successful Divorce Mediation

August 25, 2022
divorce mediation

As Florida law now requires you to try divorce through mediation or collaboration before appearing in front of a judge (in most cases), going into talks with someone you no longer care to be around can feel daunting. However, as a mediation divorce attorney, we have some tips to help you have successful divorce mediation…

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Steps of a Collaborative Divorce

August 18, 2022
collaborative divorce

If you are planning to file for divorce in Pinellas County, or elsewhere in Florida, you will need to try either collaboration or mediation before taking your divorce to court. Collaborative divorce is a great option if you want and need the input of a divorce attorney throughout the process. Here are the steps you…

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Recommendations for Child Custody

July 28, 2022
family custody

A divorce with children means figuring out a time-sharing agreement, also known as child custody. Although there was a time when the mother had primary custody and the father got visitation, that is no longer the norm. In Pinellas County, and throughout Florida, we are seeing more equal sharing of custody between parents than ever…

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Should My Child Have Input to Our Timesharing Agreement?

July 14, 2022
family custody

In Pinellas County, and throughout Florida, the courts try to award joint custody arrangement with each parent having significant quality time with their children. Sometimes that means a 50/50 timesharing agreement, other times it looks a little different. However, it is not uncommon for a client to ask us whether their child’s desires can or…

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