Reasons to Hire a Divorce Attorney

scissors cutting a paper of a child's drawing of their family to indicate divorce

Florida is one of the states where you do not have to hire a divorce attorney in order to file for divorce. However, just because it is not required, does not mean you should not hire one. In fact, there are many benefits to hiring an attorney to facilitate your dissolution of marriage that often…

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Pros & Cons of Collaborative Divorce

person removing their wedding ring - image for a blog post about collaborative divorce

Although mediation and collaboration have some similarities, they are different processes. In our last blog, we covered the pros and cons of divorce through mediation. Today, we are delving into the pros and cons of collaborative divorce. If you are unfamiliar with this process, click here. If you are considering it, before making your final…

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Pros and Cons of Divorce Through Mediation

mediator in between two blocks representing a husband and wife

Divorce mediation is both a relatively new concept and one that people have been using for quite some time. People have been going back and forth, giving and taking, to get what they want in their divorce for ages, but only recently has it become something that is both a recommended and formalized process. For…

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Time-sharing: Quick Reference

mom with child in her homes scheduling on a whiteboard

One of the most difficult parts of a divorce that includes minor children is that both parents will not see their child every day. Custody agreements, known as time-sharing in Florida, can be many things, but there are a few facts you will want to keep in mind. Whether you are in the process of…

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Parenting Plan VS Custody Agreement

dad carrying his son on his back

We are often asked what the difference is in a parenting plan and a custody agreement (or time-sharing agreement as it is called in Florida). A parenting plan is the document that includes all the details about raising your children including the time-sharing agreement. These are not two separate documents, but rather a custody/time-sharing agreement…

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Things to Consider Before a Gray Divorce

woman and man facing away from each other on a sofa -- gray divorce mistakes blog post

“Gray divorce” is the common term for those over 50 divorcing. Although divorce is never easy, a gray divorce is often easier and less contentious than a divorce by those in their 30s and early 40s. However, there are often more things to take into consideration as an older couple divorcing. Social Security and Retirement…

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Your Post-Divorce Checklist

post divorce checklist

There are still a few things you and your attorney will need to do post-divorce. We will go into that as well as what you should discuss with your financial planner in more detail in our next blog. However, after working in family law for decades, we know there are many things that newly divorced…

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Dividing Assets & Debts in a Divorce

woman crossing out the "im" in the word "impossible"

Because Florida is a no-fault divorce state, assets and debts are often divided equally between spouses. However, that is more of a generalization than a rule. In fact, there are exceptions in the law regarding division of both. The financial implications can be significant if you do not have an experienced divorce lawyer helping you…

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Why Hire a Local Divorce Attorney

woman taking off her wedding ring after signing her divorce papers with her attorney

Florida allows you to file for divorce without the help of a lawyer. Because of this, we are often asked why someone should hire a local divorce attorney if legally they can divorce without one. There are many reasons; in short, a divorce lawyer brings a lot of experience and knowledge that will work to…

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Mediation Myths

people around a table in mediation

If you are hesitant about utilizing mediation for your divorce in Pinellas County, make sure something you have heard that is steering you away from mediation is not a myth. We know that some people do not have success utilizing mediation for their divorce, but for many, it is a great option. Myth #1 –…

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